If you are a reseller in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand and you’re unable to order the title(s) you want from your usual book source, we can sell to you wholesale on the following terms:
Minimum order: 10 books in any combination of titles and formats.
Currency: We charge and collect in US dollars only, based on US list price, regardless of your location.
Discount: 40% for any quantity.
Shipping and handling: $20 USD flat fee.
Payment: All orders must be prepaid through PayPal. After sending us your order, you will receive a request for payment that you can make by credit card or bank transfer. (PayPal does not require an account with them for payment by credit card.)
Returns: No returns allowed. But we will replace or refund for copies that are defective or damaged on arrival.
All our books are “print on demand,” meaning the copies you order aren’t printed yet. Even so, they can normally be drop shipped within two weeks from a location in the US, UK, or Australia. If you ask about a specific delivery date, we’ll let you know whether we’re confident we can meet it.
Please note that your copies of our books may or may not have bar codes, unless you specify your preference. Either way, the books will have no price in a bar code or anywhere else on the cover. Also, spine text may be omitted on shorter books.
Dimensions, print quality, and other physical traits may vary slightly among copies of the same title, depending on the printer and print run. We recommend examining your copies individually on arrival.
To begin your order, please contact us with title, quantity, shipping address, and phone.